Community & Environmental Grants Program

PF Olsen Community & Grants program logo

2025 grant applications are now open

As part of our commitment to caring for the people and environment in our local communities, we launched our Community & Environmental Grants Program in January 2023.

The program offers grants of up to $5,000 to:

  1. Support the people and services that make our local communities vibrant, healthy and safe, OR
  2. Repair, care for and protect the natural environment within our local communities.
Some examples of initiatives the grant funds could be used for include:
  • Social support programs
  • Community group projects
  • Health and wellbeing projects
  • Small environmental restoration projects
  • Recycling initiatives
  • Breeding boxes to support local animal habitat

Grant applications can be submitted via our simple APPLICATION FORM.

Applications must be made on behalf of registered entities and not individuals.
PF Olsen Australia Community Grants
  1. Albany Community Hospice (Albany, WA) – We awarded our first grant to the Albany Community Hospice in April. They provide free, compassionate palliative and end-of-life care to all members in the Albany community, regardless of their financial situation).

  2. Standing Tall (Hamilton, Victoria) We’ve awarded our second and final grant for 2024 to Standing Tall in Hamilton which is a kids mentoring program. Standing Tall’s main purpose is to support young people from across the Southern Grampians Shire.

Some, but not all, of these young people may be referred to them for any of the following reasons:

  1. In need support and relief from the impact of disadvantage, trauma etc
  2. At risk of disengagement from their education and the community
  3. May have limited positive adult engagement opportunities or role models
  4. May be suffering economic hardship, poverty, or live in a sub-optimal home environment.

The program offers positive guidance, support, routine and encouragement to students to help them develop a healthy connection to school.

The program offers positive guidance, support, routine and encouragement to students to help them develop a healthy connection to school and makes best use of the opportunities that education provides. Find out more at:

Our grant will help fund 1.5 student places across the whole year.